Friday, December 27, 2019

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripol Essay examples - 643 Words

Shakira â€Å"In this life, to earn your place you have to fight for it.†- Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, singer/ songwriter . Shakira did indeed fight for her placement in the celebrity lifestyle. In 1979, Shakira’s half brother was killed when a drunk driver hit the motorcycle he was riding. Just 2 at the time, the singer says that her first memory is learning of his death. Shakira had been composing songs since she was 8 years of age. When Shakira was a young girl with huge aspirations to become a singer and dancer in her native Colombia, she was unceremoniously rejected from the choir at her Catholic school. Some criticism towards her lowered her self esteem. She has been a fighter and is still a fighter. Shakira is a popular singer born†¦show more content†¦Now Shakira is now a coach on The Voice and is about to release a highly anticipated new self-titled album. I believe Shakira is living after her name. Shakira is an Arabic female given name meaning thankful and â€Å"grateful†. It is a derivative of shukran, which is Arabic for thanks. Shakira’s most passionate mission has been helping thousands of deprived Colombian children whose lives have been torn apart by the country’s civil conflict. Shakira’s project, for which she is the honorary chair, is the Pies Descalzos Foundation, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of young Colombians who have been forced to live on the side lines of society. Shakira is one of the most inspiring people in the world and great model to look up to. She is beautiful, kind, a creative and great singer, and simply amazing, with her projects to help Colombians that are dealing with conflict in society. She has evolved into this amazing woman and I believe she should be looked up to from all over the world. She is a Saint and a great coach. She is simply a work of God’s insane love. Cite page Wang, Julia. â€Å"Shakira.† Time Inc., n.d. Web. 20 May 2014.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Interview With A Student Intern - 1451 Words

Introductory Client is a twenty-year-old bi-racial female. She has never been married and does not have any children. She is currently living with her boyfriend of about one year. Client works two jobs and has aspirations to go back to school one day. Client signed the Informed Consent and was notified of my status as a student intern. Client does not know her biological father and was raised by her mom and stepfather. She describes having a happy childhood as well as feeling supported by her mom. Client did well in school, and after graduating high school begun taking classes at the local university. She later dropped out of school causing a rift between her and her parents. Client had been working on repairing her relationship with†¦show more content†¦She wants to make sure they remain close and connected throughout this time, as my client knows things are going to get harder once she goes to the authorities. She then would like help focusing on safety planning, and begin ning her own healing process associated with her abuse. While her situation is difficult, my client does not appear to be in crisis at this time. She seems to have an active and extended support system through her family and friends. She denied any thoughts or feelings related to self-harm and denied any past history of self-harm. Client could benefit from regularly scheduled psychotherapy and case management, including resource referrals. Strengths My client has many redeeming qualities and strengths. She is a hard worker, funny, and most importantly she has much optimism about what is happening in her life right now. She knows that getting through this trauma will be difficult and the path may not be easy, but she has hope that things will work out the way they are supposed to. Difficulties The difficulties my client currently faces is helping her mom stabilize. Not only did my client’s mother leave her husband she also found out that he had been sexually molesting her daughter. My client’s mother is in crisis. This client also faces many neigh Sayers, people who are saying she is lying and that the abuse never happened. Relevant History During

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Water Scarcity free essay sample

Water scarcity already affects every continent. Around 1. 2 billion people, or almost one-fifth of the worlds population, live in areas of physical scarcity, and 500 million people are approaching this situation. Another 1. 6 billion people, or almost one quarter of the worlds population, face economic water shortage (where countries lack the necessary infrastructure to take water from rivers and aquifers). Water scarcity is among the main problems to be faced by many societies and the World in the XXIst century. Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate f population increase in the last century, and, although there is no global water scarcity as such, an increasing number of regions are chronically short of water. Water scarcity is both a natural and a human-made phenomenon. There is enough freshwater on the planet for six billion people but it is distributed unevenly and too much of it is wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Scarcity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Click on map to enlarge Sources: Vital Water Graphics. UNEP Human Development Report 2006. UNDP, 2006 Coping with water scarcity. Challenge of the twenty-first century. UN-Water, FAO. 2007 Water Scarcity and the MD6s The way water scarcity issues are addressed impacts upon the successful achievement of most of the Millennium Development Goals. Water stress versus water scarcity Hydrologists typically assess scarcity by looking at the population-water equation. An area is experiencing water stress when annual water supplies drop below 1 700 m3 per person. When annual water supplies drop below 1 000 m3 per person, the population faces water scarcity, and below 500 cubic metres absolute scarcity. Water scarcity is defined as the point at which the aggregate impact of all users impinges on the supply or quality of water under prevailing institutional arrangements to the extent that the demand by all sectors, including the environment, cannot be satisfied fully. Water scarcity is a relative concept and can occur at any level of supply or demand. Scarcity may be a social construct (a product of affluence, expectations and customary behaviour) or the consequence of altered supply patterns stemming from climate change for example. 2007 Did you know? Around 700 million people in 43 countries suffer today from water scarcity. By 2025, 1. 8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the worlds population could be living under water stressed conditions. With the existing climate change scenario, almost half the worlds population will be living in areas of high water stress by 2030, including between 75 million and 250 million people in Africa. In addition, water scarcity in some arid and semi-arid places will displace between 24 million and 700 million people. Sub- Saharan Africa has the largest number of water-stressed countries of any region. UN initiatives that are helping to raise the issue World Water Day 2007: Coping with water scarcity World Water Day 2007 was dedicated to the theme Coping with water scarcity. It highlighted the increasing significance of water scarcity worldwide and the need for increased integration and cooperation to ensure sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources, both at international and local levels.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tma free essay sample

People, being naturally inquisitive, have often been referred to as scientists. Even as young children, people are constantly testing and evaluating the boundaries to decipher their own social environment and quickly recognise what is acceptable and what is not. This soon evolves into intuition and whether it is constructed in a logical and rational way depends on a number factors. However, when considering cognitive psychology and the information processing that underpins judgements and risks, peoples cognitive processes are often likened to computers in the way that these processes interact. This essay begins by looking at Fritz Heider (1944, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 60) an influential psychologist in this area who coined the phrase naive psychology. It then progresses onto the advantages and disadvantages of the attribution theories using Kelleys covariation method and MacArthurs vignettes to test the theory. This is followed by looking into optimistic bias and whether this bias can prevent people from constructing rational and logical theories when making sense of their social environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Tma or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally, the essay evaluates the HIV/AIDs and smoking progression and how people can conceptualise risk, resulting in laying blame elsewhere other than in their social group. Heider was one of the first psychologists to study in detail social cognition. He believed that delving into how people made sense of their social environments was fundamental in understanding social behaviours, he believed people actively built models of cause and effect to find predictability and regularity which would help control their lives, operating like naive psychologists. Heider also believed people used this method when people perceive others and their actions. He constructed a study using animated cartoons of moving shapes consisting of a circle, a box and a rectangle. When asked to describe what they saw, all but one of the participants described the shapes movement in terms of human action. The fact that these people were perceiving these shapes automatically to be people goes some way to provide support for Heiders theory and prove that people are certainly trying to make sense of their social environment. However this, albeit simple use of experimental social psychology, has a few limitations. As this was a simplified experiment and disimilar to what would happen in a real social environment, Heider was not able to prove that the results would be the same outside in real life. In fact, often results obtained outside of the laboratory conclude opposite results to that of the laboratory. There is also a possibility that the participants, upon hearing that they would be attending a psychological experiment, subconciously associated psychology with people or themselves and their answers reflected this. In an experimental condition there will always be confounding variables no matter what measures are taken to eliminate them, it is certainly difficult to take research on perception and attention out of everyday life and into a controlled experiment. In a social environment because people are not manufacturing social situations, people see them as they are, this could put them in good stead to construct rational and logical theories on their environment. What Heiders theory lacks is specific procedures and data. Harold Kelley (1967, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 2) who developed the covariation model, used testable predictions and data in his attribution theory. The attribution theories suggest people distinguish between external/disposition factors and internal/disposition factors to recognise the causes of social behaviour. Kelley proposed that when people use information in causal reasoning, three variables are decided upon, distinctiveness, consensus and consistency, this was known as the covariation model. He supported the belief that people behave like intuitive scientists. MacArthur (1972, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 4) tested this theory in her studies, she wanted to test the effect of different types and level of information on the nature of causal attributions. She used 16 vignettes, a short description of a behaviour event that contained different types of the three variables, CCD. They then assigned an internal or external cause to the event. The results were supportive of MacArthurs theory and imply that we tend to favour internal rather than external attributions, the FAE (fundamental attribution error). However, it has been proven that people do not use always use all the information available to them. This shows that the way people view risk is not particularly logical, people overlook risk and when comparing people to experts, people do not usually conceptualise risks as well as experts Vignettes are easy to use and provide much needed data and from a large number of participants which is likely to produce more accurate results. The kind of control applied in this study would not have been able to take place if it took place in real life. However they do have low ecological validity because of this very reason, it is still constructed. Attribution theories have also been criticised for overstating the rationality of peoples causal reasoning. When considering the idea of people as intuitive scientists it is important to understand that people can tend to be more optimistic about risk than statistics warrant. This results in optimistic bias. For example, irrespective of empirical evidence, some people think smoking wont harm them. Some people know that they are likely to become ill from it and still continue because the immediate gain overcomes any alternative, albeit potentially deadly. This may be as a result of a motivational source which can result in judgemental biases. There are several explanations for this optimistic bias. The availability heuristic, which involves making decisions based on generating examples in peoples cognitive system, perhaps someone they know who has smoked constantly for 60 years has other any side effects. These are good examples to use when deciphering whether people are intuitive scientists and can make rational and logical judgements because the risk of smoking can be estimated using mathematics. The amount of people that still smoke however is a strong argument that people may be intuitive scientists but the concept of making rational, logical decisions can still be lost if alternative factors get in the way, like smoking or HIV. When people have to make decisions quickly, they often unconsciously rely on incomplete information as a result of the environment in which the social cognition takes place, rather than just the basic cognitive processes, this could account for people rejecting the possibility of HIV leading to death, perhaps because the information they have in incomplete. The fact that people have survived despite this however goes some way to suggest that although peoples cognitive processes do not always lead them to the mathematically correct answer, perhaps that element of risk, optimistic bias and inquisitiveness has prolonged peoples evolution so far. The studies involving optimistic bias and indeed many studies involving how people conceptualise risk however, have been conducted in largely Western cultures and having found previous contradictions between studies in Western cultures, (which tend to focus largely on the individual rather than the social group, as is more popular in many Asian cultures), these theories may not apply to the majority of people and therefore more research entailing diverse cultures would build a more successful conclusion as to why optimistic bias occurs. One reason could be evolution, natural selection could have resulted in humans having evolved with optimistic bias meaning that the people who took the risks were more sexually successful. Another reason for this could that in the urgency of everyday life, people do not use all the information available. One could argue that as we do not process everything we see, we connect the dots based on our rational judgement. The people in many of these experiments drew from their own conclusions and upon their own schema which could be wrong. This kind of error highlights one of the disadvantages of people drawing from their own logical and rational theories. Although it is important to note that the above examples are experiments and the situations are unlikely to occur in everyday life, however research has also shown our schema is highly tuned and usually correct. Both cognitive psychology and experimental social psychology initiate ideas of people thinking in machine ways, operating like scientists but the studies have shown otherwise. Perhaps logical and rational ideas are ideologies and are not appropriate in the context of our own social environments. People, in general tend to perceive events as being more under their own control than they perhaps are, it is clear from these studies that people can sometimes become more optimistic when is comes to risks when comparing the true scientific statistics. From the research into varying theories it appears that the majority of people are intuitive scientists, that to a certain extent people do use logical and rational theories to make sense of their social environment, however these are not always successful. As the evidence of several theories suggests, intuition in people is not always correct. Mistakes are bound to be made, especially when motivation factors overcomes logic and experience and imagination interferes with the process. If people have survived thus far using their own rational and logical judgements than anything further may be seen as striving for improvement, where one could argue, it is unnecessary. Word count 1,503 References K. Buchanan, P. Anand, H. Joffe K. Thomas (2007) Perceiving and understanding the social world. In D. Miell, A. Phoenix, K. Thomas (Eds. ), Mapping Psychology (2nd ed. , pp. 5-49). Milton Keynes: The Open University

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ba Hospitality And Tourism Management Tourism Essays

Ba Hospitality And Tourism Management Tourism Essays Ba Hospitality And Tourism Management Tourism Essay Ba Hospitality And Tourism Management Tourism Essay Singapore used to trust on fabricating industries such as electronics, oil boring equipment, crude oil refinement, gum elastic merchandises and ship mending. From the beginning of 2010, Singapore has changed its focal point on emphasise more on service industry. There are two freshly opened casino-resorts: Resorts World Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands, the Resort World Sentosa was the first casino in Singapore ; it opened on the 14th February 2010. Two months subsequently on the 27th April 2010, the 2nd casino, Marina Bay Sands that was built by US-based Las Vegas Sands, opened ( Lau 2010 ) . Harmonizing to PESTEL frame theoretical account to analysis the Singapore IR industry, foremost of all from the political position, for many old ages, the authorities has resisted calls to put up casinos in Singapore ( Aristotle 2010 ) . On 18 April 2005, the Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the Cabinet s determination to develop two IRs at Marina Bayfront and Sentosa. In his address, PM Lee explained the alteration in the authorities s long standing policy with respects to casinos, due to concern with losing fight in economic system and touristry to other widely distributed metropoliss ( CASA Veneracion 2012 ) . In order to take down the hazard for Singaporeans acquiring addicted to chancing, the Singapore authorities requires an entrance fee of $ 100 on each Singapore citizens when they enter the casino ( CNNG 2010 ) . From societal position, Singapore has been good known for its multi-racial society. With the gap of the Integrated Resorts in Singapore, has led this multi-racial society to a greater degree. By conveying people form a broad assortment of topographic points and civilizations together, aliens and local people learn about each other, their differences, and their similarities and make common apprehension. But at the same clip, there are several groups, including the Muslim and Christian communities and societal militants, express their disapproval to the casino ( Palmer 2011 ) . Many concerns over the negative societal impact of casino gaming every bit good as gap of doors to unwanted activities including money laundering, harlotry, and organized offense ( Wong 2009 ) . Peoples starts to worried about the safety issues and the repute of Singapore since it used to be Word s most safety metropolis . Since the two IR opened, it brings a batch of benefit to Singapore, revenue enhancement gross and tourers are increased dramatically. Through research I found that Resorts World Sentosa recorded 149,000 visitants of the casino in the first hebdomad after the gap ( Google News 2010 ) . Equally good as 857,000 visitants arrived and visited Singapore in February for the first clip, which is addition of 24.3 per centum in comparing to the same moth in the recent twelvemonth ( Straitstimes 2010 ) . This figures shows that the touristry industry in Singapore is get downing to better. Additionally, tourers came to Singapore in March has increased by 17.5 per centum, it was the best recorded for the month of March ( Gossling 2003 ) . Harmonizing to the statistics, hotel tenancy is about 85 per centum, reported by Singapore Tourism Board ( Gossling 2003 ) . From the engineering position, reported by the Singapore News, they spent 1000000s of dollars on green engineerings and sustainable edifice constructs to conserve resources, such as Resorts World Sentosa, transplanted 900 trees affected by building work. It is now replanting them- along the streets of Hollywood and New York- within its Universal Studio subject park. The Resorts World Sentosa besides has Singapore s largest solar installing that can bring forth over 500,000 kWs per hr of energy a twelvemonth ( Wong 2009 ) . In general, casino development in Singapore is a necessary immorality, which in some instances assisting Singapore to switch off from fabricating sectors to service-based economic system. Casino development in Singapore is merely a start, there is still a long manner to travel and it is a immense long-run investing. The Monte Carlo Resort and Casino is a megaresort hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, USA. It is owned and operated by MGM Resorts International. As of 2010, Monte Carlo has an AAA-Four-Diamond evaluation ( Macy 2011 ) . Land was broken for the hotel in March 1995. It was originally known as the Grand Victoria . The palatial manner was a reminiscent of the Belle Epoque, which is how the Gallic refer to the architecture of the Victorian epoch in England. After much unfavorable judgment by MGM Grand functionaries, it was shortened to Victoria and so changed to Monte Carlo . Monte Carlo was built as a joint venture between Mirage Resorts and Circus Circus Enterprises, and cost US $ 344 million to construct. The resort sits on 44 estates, occupied by the Dunes Hotel until its destruction in October 1993. The Monte Carlo opened to the populace on June 21, 1996, at 12:01 ante meridiem, following invitation-only VIP pre-opening jubilation the anterior twenty-four hours, including a pyrotechnic show ( Kathleen 2008 ) . Harmonizing to PESTEL frame theoretical account to analysis the ground Monte Carlo built in Las Vegas, from societal position, Las Vegas is an internationally celebrated major resort metropolis for chancing, shopping, and all right dining. The metropolis measures itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is celebrated for its amalgamate hotel-casinos and associated amusement. A turning retirement and household metropolis, Las Vegas is the 31st-most population at the 2010 nose count of 583,756. The 2010 population of the Las Vegas metropolitan country was 1,951,269 ( Thompson 2001 ) . Las Vegas was built in 1854 by the western United States Mormons built, in the hereafter the Mormons moved out ; the United States authorities makes it into a station. Las Vegas is the name of the Spanish, intending fertile vale , because Las Vegas is environing bare desert and semi desert countries merely have an oasis of spring, with spring H2O, and bit by bit become traffics route station and railroad station. It opens port in 1905. Nevada found gold and Ag ; a big figure of gilded digger into Las Vegas began to din, but as the western excavation town, every bit shortly as the lighting will be abandoned. In 1931 the great depression in the United States, in order to hold economic troubles, Nevada parliament passed chancing legal measure, Las Vegas became a Las Vegas, and rapid development ( Land 2004 ) . The other ground Monte Carlo built in Las Vegas, from legal position, Las Vegas construct in 1905, Nevada decided to do chancing become legal calling, one time this proclamation established, Charleston amusement and decease valley national exhibition hall is really representative. From that minute, Las Vegas on the name of spread, it has 250 casinos and more than 60000 slot machines . Now the Las Vegas has the universe s top resort hotel, and the universe first-class large-scale public presentations and hi-tech amusement installations ( TOG 2005 ) . From the beginning of 1993 in Las Vegas, the tourer semen to Las Vegas all of a sudden jump a batch. In add-on, Nevada have jurisprudence, people who at least 21 old ages old and upward, to let imbibe intoxicant and gaming ( Baidu 2012 ) . The gambling industry contributed to the development of touristry, the amusement industry. In order to maintain the economic system stable development, the chancing commitment brand of rigorous self-discipline mechanism, to those investors strict censoring, to casino rigorous supervising, one time they found the job, the parties will neer let in the local concern and kick the name from bookmaking list off ( Baidu 2012 ) . In order to pull tourers, societal public security direction is really good, the people who win the first award, if necessary, will be by two constabularies escort to any topographic point in the United States at place. Merely Nevada jurisprudence allows the sex trade legal province, but in Las Vegas state prohibitory sex trade dealing in order to keep societal order. Form economic position, Monte Carlo is the first hotel owned by MGM physique in Las Vegas and in at that place, the metropolis economic rely on touristry industry, each twelvemonth attract 38.9 million visitants, all these factors brings the rich net income for the urban economic system ( Shimp 2010 ) . Passenger traffic at McCarran International Airport dropped somewhat for the 3rd month in a row in November, harmonizing to statistics released Friday. Traffic dropped 0.3 per centum in November compared to the same month last twelvemonth, with a sum of 3.31 million travellers geting or going. Harmonizing to a study by Moody s Investors Service published in March of 2012, there are positive tendencies for the metropolis of Las Vegas ; 38.9 million visitants in 2011, stand foring a 4.3 % addition over 2010. $ 6.068 billion in bet oning grosss on the strip in 2011, a healthy 5.1 % addition over 2010 every bit good as hotel tenancy increased by 3.4 % in 2011, the first addition since 2007. Through the research, there is a study by shows that tenancy rates for belongingss along the Strip should around 95 % ( HMG 2012 ) . Las Vegas will ever be a top tourer finish. The metropolis may be losing some concern to the Asiatic gaming centre Macao, but they still attract close to 40 million visitants yearly who infuse one million millions of dollars every twelvemonth into the local economic system ( HMG 2012 ) . The casino in Monte Carlo is a immense topographic point which provide Slots Machines, Table Games, Poker Room, etc. Harmonizing to, Monte Carlo is slot machine Eden. There are tonss of machine you can take from traditional slots to the latest picture fire hook machines. Table games are the bosom and psyche of authoritative casino action, whether you are in the temper for a simple, elegant game of Baccarat or you are merely watching the game, there will be friendly service and helpful casino hosts to guarantee you have a great clip. Monte Carlo s oasis that is athleticss and Equus caballus racing, with large screens and unrecorded action, it is a perfect topographic point to hearten on all you favourites. Actually, Las Vegas through casino make money in gambling, suites, nutrient, amusement, the entire gross in Las Vegas for 3 month was $ 733 Million dollars including everything, with $ 88.2 million income. For each casino on norm and an mean twenty-four hours of the 3rd one-fourth is $ 108,000. In Monte Carlo, the norm of casino makes about 1 million dollars a dark ( Lee 2011 ) . But form the negative side, casino besides conveying negative effects to the people. Since 1998, Las Vegas every twelvemonth 282-292 people commit suicide, an norm of 100000 people dead, this figures shows that Las Vegas is the top self-destruction rate. Some of the gambler straight from casino high-rise honkytonk off. The ground is because of self-destruction in Las Vegas chancing lose excessively much. In order to maintain the economic system stable development, chancing commission devising of rigorous self-discipline mechanism, to investors rigorous censoring, maintain an oculus on the casino operation, supervising the casino operation, one time found the job, that people will neer let participate in the local concern and will do his name clearly form the list. At the same clip, in order to pull tourers, societal public security direction is really rigorous, anyone won the first award, if necessary, there will be two constabularies escort to any topographic point boulder clay they reach place ( Jafari 2000 ) . The authorities liability is to do everyone unrecorded safety and bask himself in Las Vegas, so there is a jurisprudence to those people who wants to come in the casino, you have to be 21 old ages old to chance or be in the chancing country of a casino in the province of Nevada, as per Nevada Gaming Commission. Person under the age of 21 can walk through a casino in order to acquire to a eating house, invitee suites, public toilets, or child s arcade, but they can non linger in the gaming country. There are some brawny mulcts, up to $ 10,000, if a minor gets caught chancing. Fake IDs do non go through the trial of security officers and casino employees ; we are good trained in what to look for. And if you do non acquire caught and you win a kitty you will non acquire paid, ID required for payouts of over $ 1,199, and rather perchance you will confront gaol clip ( Chitty 2002 ) . The authorities duty is to protect people under a safety environment to play and seek their best to forest all people over fascinated on gaming. There is one more thing we need to foreground is how the IR maintain sustainable over the following 2-3 old ages. Through the research, Monte Carlo Resort and Casino they through casino and large event earn the net income. Harmonizing to, merely one one-fourth the hotel earns $ 108,000. In Monte Carlo, the norm of casino makes about 1 million dollars a dark ( Lee 2011 ) . There are tonss of events in Monte Carlo for the following 2-3 old ages, for illustration, Olympics and World Cup will be keeping in the center of 2013. Hosting athleticss events surely benefits the host states, which is apparent by the intense command to bag the rights to host one. Major featuring events conveying more to a metropolis than fan exhilaration. In add-on to the bangs of game action, these events funnel 1000000s of dollars into the host state chiefly through disbursement by the international witnesss and investings by foreign houses seeking to spread out their markets. Major athleticss events are frequently seen as a beginning of economic coevals though there are decidedly costs associated with hosting large-scale athleticss events ( WordPress 2012 ) . Another event is Zumanity, it will be keeping in January of 2014, it is a resident cabaret-style shows by Crique du Soleil at Monte Carlo on the Las Vegas Strip, and he production was unveiled on September 20, 2003. It is the first adult-themed Cirque du Soleil show, billed as the animal side of Cirque du Soleil or another side of Cirque du Soleil . Created by Rene Richard Cyr and Dominic Champagne, Zumanity is a going from the criterion Cirque format. Intended to be for mature grownup audiences merely, this show is centered on titillating vocal, dance, and tumblings ( PRVegas 2013 ) . In my posting, I will keep a BLUE MAN GROUP event, they have public presentation from October 10, 2013-December 31, 2013 every bit good as January 1, 2014- April 30, 2014. Blue Man Group is a originative organisation dedicated to making exciting and advanced work in a broad assortment of media. Blue Man Group is best known for its award-winning theatrical productions which critics have described as ground-breaking, screaming, visually arresting and musically powerful. These public presentations feature three puzzling bald and bluish characters who take the audience through a multi-sensory experience that combines theatre, percussive music, art, scientific discipline and music hall into a signifier of amusement that is like nil else. Peoples from all over the universe, from all walks of life and from all age groups have become fans of Blue Man Group s show in New York, Boston, Chicago and Las Vegas. Blue Man Group late announced programs to open a 5th theatrical production in Berlin in May 2004 ( Baidu 2012 ) . We are selling 3 classs of ticket, one is standard position ticket to Blue Man Group, is $ 129.00 all inclusive and one is $ 139.00, for this sort of ticket, the client can pick of prix fixe dinner at The Pub and 2-for-1 cocktail or imbibe at lgnite Bar, the other 1 is $ 179.00, a premium position ticket, besides can pick of prix fixe dinner at Brand Steakhouse and 2-for-1 cocktail or imbibe at lgnite Bar. Blue Man Group is besides known for its alone manner of music, which is played on a assortment of invented instruments. Blue Man Group s 1999 introduction album, AUDIO was nominated for a Grammy in the Best Pop Instrumental Album class. One referee called it a glorious wall of sound. aˆˆaˆˆBlue Man Group released their extremely anticipated 2nd album, The Complex, which served as a spot of a going for the puzzling performing artists. Aided by some of today s most challenging singers, Blue Man Group has moved beyond the instrumental class. While composing The Complex, Blue Man Group at the same time created a state-of-the-art stone show that captures the subjects and temper of the album. The Complex Rock Tour has been hailed as amazing musicianship enhanced by unadulterated good wit and merriment by The Chicago Sun-Times. aˆˆaˆˆIn add-on to populate shows and music, Blue Man Group has created installings, occurrences, unusual ads, and a figure of television-specific public presentations for The Tonight Show, several of which were nominated for Emmy awards. The Monte Carlo earns the chief net incomes through event and casino. The casino and the large event conveying a batch of benefit to the hotel every bit good as local economic system. . Harmonizing to, merely one one-fourth the hotel earns $ 108,000. In Monte Carlo, the norm of casino makes about 1 million dollars a dark ( Lee 2011 ) .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

bushido and hollywood essays

bushido and hollywood essays The movie, The Last Samurai, wasnt far off from the philosophical ideals of Inazo Nitobe. I do agree, however, that it did not go in depth about the ideal of bushido. However, I do not see many interpreted facts about bushido. The samurai in the movie is shown as the brave and honorable warriors described in the book, Bushido. I believe Hollywood never could portray the true meaning very well in the movie. It is hard to go in depth so much through a movie. I did enjoy the movie very much. However, according to the feudal systems and the way of the Bushido, it wasnt too clearly expressed in the movie. Bushido talks about how the warriors came about, and shows how the feudal system worked. It expresses the ways of the samurai and goes in depth into their ideals. The Last Samurai does go into some point about how the samurai work; however, it doesnt show in depth why they do such things. There were still many hidden meanings and many people only watched the movie for the fighting. The movie, itself, of course was superb, but if someone were to watch to understand the way of bushido, they wouldnt get what they wanted. It is only a quarter of dollar. It does not give the entire dollar. The Bushido ideals were not fully expressed in the movie and the movie lacked many reasons of why the samurai did what they needed to. There was too much focus on Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise) and overcoming his regret of his past. It focuses him just realizing that there are different ways of looking at life rather than using western machinery. It does not really go into depth about the samurais ideal life and their bushido. It doesnt expand out in a good manner of explaining the bushido way and why the samurai honor it so much. The last samurai basically talks about the story of one man. It does integrate some of bushido ideals, however, it lacks many in depth details. It is understandable since he...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Peer Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Peer Journals - Essay Example To begin with, one of the strategies that teachers can play in enhancing in such a case is giving students time to practice on their own before the real peer journals begin. In this case, the instructors ought to show the class how to get in groups and then provide his/her feedback to the group. Another excellent strategy is the teaching of students on how to keep track of other students’ right answer. From this strategy, students learn from each other fast enough, which enhance continuity and increased learning (DuPaul 2). In addition to these strategies, another strategy that can greatly influence learning in such a case is making learning fun to students. This can be done using various helpful strategies such as rewards, encouragement and giving of points among many other methods. While doing all these things, the instructor ought to act as a trainer, a demonstrator, an organizer and most of all, a model. They also ought to play the role of commentators and checkers for max imum outcome (Yang 75). In conclusion, peer reviewed journals are among the best method of teaching in almost any group. In order to enhance learning and to ensure maximum outcomes, strategies like making of the method enjoyable and playing the right role should be adopted. With such methods, fast learning and positive outcomes are possible. DuPaul, G.J. Peer tutoring procedures in general education classrooms. In A.S. Canter & S.A. Carroll (Eds.), Helping children at home and school: Handouts from your school psychologist. National Association of School Psychologists, Bethesda: MD.