Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leadership and Employee Reaction to Change

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Employee Reaction to Change. Answer: Objective The objective of the study is to identify the role of leadership in executing an organization change. In addition, the study seeks to assess the employee reaction to organizational change in the business entity. The change management is an essential marketing and operational tool in a business enterprise. In the case of Israeli Public School system, the management of the organization has to play a decisive role in executing changes in the operational policies. Methodology In the article the research was done at Israeli public schools, at the time of executing a proper organization change. This was due to the lower student performance in the school over a considerable period of time. As such, the organization change that was implemented was expected to have a considerable impact on the performance of the students in schools. The primary characteristics that shall have to be considered are the size of the class as well as the terms of employment of the students. The essential recommendations that were made were the longer working hours including in the increase in the workload. However, the remuneration offered to the employees would be increased to attract talented individuals to work for the schools. The Ministry of Education has played a decisive role in the implementation of the change management in the organization. . The principals and the teachers in the school were the participants in the research process. This study shall assess the attitudes of the workforce employed in Israeli public schools. The principals have stated their views and the beliefs regarding the existing educational system and the change management policies that are to be implemented in the schools. The teachers in the school were asked to offer their pertinent views and opinion about their resistance to change. Besides this, the teachers were asked to about the behavior of the management group in the school and its implications on their job performance. Argument The change management policies that are to be implemented in the organization shall have to be evaluated in an in-depth manner to serve the purpose of the organization. As such, this is necessary for the business enterprise to facilitate smoother business operations and reduce the operational expenses of the organizations. According to Hayes (2014) mentioned that the change management policies should address a definite need of the organization. In the case of the Israeli schools, the performance of the students was falling for over a period of time. As such, this was matter of concern for the authorities. A number of benefits can be achieved through the implementation of the change management in schools. The schools in Israel are having a deep structure, technology as well as the organizational policies. Thus, Waddell et al. (2013) mentioned that the change management policies implemented shall have an impact on all the schools, which shall increase the overall standard of education in the country. As such, Nordin et al. (2012) noted that the leadership in the organization shall have to play a definite role in the guiding the organization towards executing the necessary changes in the organization. In the context of the Israeli schools, the principal of the school shall have to identify the existing discrepancies in the existing operational policies of the business entity. However, Contrafatto and Burns (2013) noted that the primary factor that can hamper the implementation of the change is the resistance to change within the organization and outside. Thus, the change management policies are a joint effort among all the stakeholders in the organization. The rise in the remuneration of the teachers shall lead to better job performance of the teachers. As s such, the remuneration offered shall be assessed as per the performance of the students. In this regard, By et al. (2012) stated that the change management perspectives in the organization shall have to be eva luated before taking any pertinent measure. It is the primary responsibility of the human resource department to address any skill and competency issues that might be there in the school. To assist the school in achieving academic excellence, the teachers would have to participate in training schemes to enhance their skill levels. It is expected that this would enable the students in progressing in studies and in other extras curricular activities. Kidron et al. (2016) mentioned that raising the awareness levels among the changes that are to be implemented is very important. It can be said that this would assist the management to convince the various parties existing within the school. These would be an essential determinant on workplace behavior, interrelationships among the co-workers in the organization. Conclusion/Findings In the context of the public schools in Israel, the implementations of organizational change were necessary due to the lowering of the educational standards among the students. As such, the organizational change was expected to bring certain structural changes in the organization. In addition, the remuneration of the teachers shall also have to be increased to retain the talented professionals in the organizations and reduce the attrition rate. Besides this, an organizational change management implementation would bring about the necessary changes in substantial part of the educational system in Israel. Since the schooling system in Israel is uniformly built having similar organizational hierarchy and functions this shall have positively ensure the academic progress of the students throughout the country. The raising of the remuneration levels of the teachers shall have an impact on the job performance. As such, the remuneration of the teachers shall be linked to the remuneration of the teachers. With the implementation of the change management policies in the organizations, there shall be training schemes to raise the level of skill among the teachers. The lower level of performance among the teachers in the schools was attributed to the discrepancies existing within the educational system of school. As such, these factors have been hampering the academic progress of the students. Therefore, it becomes essential to identify such factors that can have an influence on the operational processes of the business entity. The Implications for Managers The organization change process is expected to bring positive developments to the organizational change process in the organization. As such, the managers working in the business entity shall have to understand the needs of the educational system in the organization. Special attention must be given to every student in the schools and their weaknesses. In this regard, Tudor (2014).noted those managers are the change drivers in the organization and shall take the primary responsibility in leading the organization to the change. As such, the mangers in the organization shall have a definite role to play in forming the change management policies in the business entity. Millar et al (2012) stated that in the case of the Israeli public schools, the principals are the people that are primary responsible in executing the organization change in the organization. As such, they have to create the necessary awareness levels in the organization to convince the various stakeholders involved in the public schooling system of school about the necessity of the organizational changes Strength Following are the strengths of the organizational changes in the organization. Recruitment of talented professionals- Burnes (2016) stated that recruitment of talented professionals would be one of the benefits of organizational change in the organization. Thus, this helps the schools to offer superior education services to the students studying in the schools. The level of education There shall be enhancement in the level of education offered to the students. Cameron and Green (2015) stated that the organizational change is expected to address the primary issue of decreasing levels of the quality of education offered in the schools. The organizational change policies in the organization shall re-innovate the total organizational structure of the school and shall have a positive impact on the organizational processes of the business entity. Greater coordination A greater coordination shall be obtained between the various departments in the organizations as a result of the organization process changes in the school. Callan et al. (2013) mentioned that such processes shall be essential to identify the existing discrepancies in the operational processes of the business entity. As such, this shall one of the principal benefits that can be achieved through the implementation of the change management in the schools. Weaknesses Following are the weaknesses of organizational changes in the context of the Israeli public educational system Resistance to change Initially, there would be resistance among the workforce to the alterations made in the operational policies of the schools. As such, this can seriously hamper the implementation of the change management procedures (Booth, 2015). This is a very possible threat to the business sustainability of the business. Therefore, this is a negative aspect of the change management procedures in the business entity. Increasing operational costs There would be increase in the operating costs as a result of the change management procedures implemented. Therefore, the public schools shall have to consider this fact before forming the operational policies. In many cases, this has an adverse effect on the financial condition of the organization. References Booth, S. A. (2015). Crisis management strategy: Competition and change in modern enterprises. Routledge. Burnes, B., Hughes, M., By, R. T. (2016). Reimagining organisational change leadership. Leadership, 1742715016662188. By, R. T., Burnes, B., Oswick, C. (2012). Change management: Leadership, values and ethics. Journal of Change Management, 12(1), 1-5. 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